Gilding picture, frames and furniture

Work in process

picture, frames
and furniture




Gold leaf

Gold leaf


18th Century gold leaf french frame of 24 carat

18th Century gold leaf french frame of 24 carat

18th Century gold leaf french frame of 24 carat

18th Century gold leaf french frame of 24 carat

18th Century gold leaf french frame of 24 carat

18th Century gold leaf french frame of 24 carat

18th Century gold leaf french frame of 24 carat

Antique frame restoration in gold and silver leaf

Antique frame restoration in gold and silver leaf

Antique frame restoration in gold and silver leaf
Before restorarion

Antique frame restoration in gold and silver leaf
Work in progress

Antique frame restoration in gold and silver leaf

Persian mirror before the conservative cleaning
18th Century

Persian mirror open
before the conservative cleaning

Deterioration of the original decoration
Vitrea before the restoration

Fragments of the decoration
Vitrea before the restoration

Recovery and consolidation of the decoration of the completely impoverished upper part

Persian mirror
After conservative cleaning

Antique frame restoration in gold and silver leaf

After conservative cleaning

After conservative cleaning

Conservative restoration of an ancient mirror in gold leaf from the ancient and renowned Solei Hebert factory
In Collaboration with S. Grohmann

Conservative restoration of an ancient mirror in gold leaf from the ancient and renowned Solei Hebert factory
In Collaboration with S. Grohmann

Conservative restoration of an ancient mirror in gold leaf from the ancient and renowned Solei Hebert factory
Advertising headboard of the company from the early 1900s

Conservative restoration of an ancient mirror in gold leaf from the ancient and renowned Solei Hebert factory

Conservative restoration of an ancient mirror in gold leaf from the ancient and renowned Solei Hebert factory
Consolidation of damaged parts

Conservative restoration of an ancient mirror in gold leaf from the ancient and renowned Solei Hebert factory
Consolidation of damaged parts

Conservative restoration of an ancient mirror in gold leaf from the ancient and renowned Solei Hebert factory