
After a degree in art history, she graduates at Scuola di Restauro dei Musei Vaticani.

Then she is awarded certi cates in Fresco Restoration, Stylistic Inter- pretation and Artwork Identi cation in Stone Restoration.

She takes part in several restorations operated by the Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali, such as:

  • All the 17th Century wall paintings at Palazzo Altemps in Rome.
  • The Arcus Argentariorum of severian age (Forum Boarium, Rome).
  • 32 paintings on canvas, table, paper, mosaic at the Pinacoteca della Cassa
Depositi e Prestiti di Roma.

In 1987 she establishes a cooperative under the patronage of the CEE, with which she realizes the restoration of Santa Maria della Quercia frescos and of a former 17th Century convent in Rome. Her business moves to London, where she works with David Grobb’s Art Gallery and Studio 16, and Norway, where she focuses on wood restoration (Stav Kirk) as a researcher at the Restoration Center of the Oslo Historical Museum.

Back to Italy, she establishes the Milan-based “Monnalisa Restauri”. In 2012 she creates a partnership with the restorer Massimo Pagano.
Massimo, co-owner with his father of an old, historic boutique in the center of Milan, have thirty years’ experience in antique furniture restoration, and masters the traditional polishing pad technique with class and expertise.

Together, they are specialized in architectural restoration of marble monu- ments (polishing, stabilization and reconstruction of missing parts), restoration of antique front doors and elevators, handrails, faux marbles, co ered ceilings and wall decorations.

Their latest major work is the restoration of the majestic Monumento ai Caduti di Brindisi made by the sculptor Edgardo Simone, realised in June 2018.

trust us

  1. Our clients are constantly kept up-to-date: the whole photographic material is sent to each client to let him know every step of our work, plus we give the oppor- tunity to visit our laboratories directly.
  2. Expertise and dedication of the whole sta , char- acteristics that have been grown in the 30 years of experience in this eld.
  3. Our loyal customers always come back, recommend- ing us to their friends and families as well.
  4. The item increases its value after an accurate work of restoration.